Decoding the heavens is published today

6. November 2008 17:28

Just a short post to say that Decoding the Heavens, my book about the Antikythera mechanism, is published in the UK today! It has had some great reviews so far, including in BBC Focus magazine, who likened it to "a dynastic saga, complete with jealous rivals, personal tragedies and lifelong obsessions" (not online unfortunately); Nature, who described it as "a gripping and varied account"; and Scotland on Sunday, who wanted more pictures (though there are already quite a few) but judged the book itself as "informative and thoroughly researched".

There's a lot of online interest as well. ScienceCulture bulletin recommends Decoding the Heavens, calling it "a wonderful tale"; Popular Science has given it five stars, describing it as "an entrancing book"; while New Scientist says it is "sprinkled with the magic dust of an Indiana Jones adventure".

Decoding the Heavens is due out in the US at the end of January 2009, and is already being translated into several languages including Japanese, Greek and Polish.

I'm off for a celebratory beer...
