Alien hands

4. February 2009 11:06


Children holding hands, taken by Elizabeth Ann Collette

Yesterday I was in a taxi on the way to a BBC studio to chat about Decoding the Heavens on the BBC Radio Scotland show Radio Cafe (you can hear it here until next Monday) when I had an intriguing conversation with the driver. We started off wondering why a lot of people seem so desperate to attribute any ancient achievements they don't understand to aliens. The Antikythera mechanism has suffered from this a lot, starting with the Swiss author Erich von Daniken, who wrote about it in his books Chariots of the Gods and Odyssey of the Gods. In his view, the device was clearly a navigational instrument used in alien spaceships, which "tells us how little we know about the wisdom which the gods whispered into the ears of their darlings". Funnily enough, von Daniken didn't offer a single piece of evidence for his amazing claim that the device was made or influenced by aliens, or for why the aliens would have inscribed it in perfect Greek! The closest I can find is his argument that because the mechanism was made to be a portable size, "it could easily have been transported from one 'god's' palace to another". Ancient history is amazing enough, I really don't understand how someone could have so little faith in human ingenuity that they feel the need to invoke such a crazy theory. Still, von Daniken has sold millions of books, and his championing of the Antikythera mechanism may be one reason why it was ignored by mainstream historians for so long.

That's not to say intelligent alien life couldn't be out there somewhere, of course (there just isn't any evidence that such beings have visited Earth). So the taxi driver and I got on to what intelligent extra-terrestrials might look like. I reckoned that we can't just assume we would even recognise them as life-forms - exotic types of aliens that have been proposed include everything from gaseous clouds communicating via radio waves to beings based on spin configurations in a sea of liquid hydrogen. My driver was much more pragmatic, though. He argued that if there's one thing intelligent life forms would have that's similar to us, it would be their hands. To build a civilisation you need technology, he said, and for that you need to be able to manipulate the environment around you. That's something no other life form on Earth can do anywhere near as well as people. You're not going to build computer chips with fins or tentacles or giant insect feet. It's an interesting point. Even among robots and other technology, is there any design that can manipulate objects with as much dexterity and versatility as the human hand? 


Comments (8) -

2/11/2009 12:40:33 AM #

As I've been saying saying...

Mr. von Daniken and others have no problem with logical deduction nor with the principle of Occam's Razor the meaning of which I leave up to the student. As for me there is no mystery and I am in agreement with von Daniken and others that point to "alien" intervention when discussing the obvious.

If the Greeks or any other human society had cleverly invented such devices as the Antikythera mechanism our historical archives would contain evidence of the precursors. Only fools in denial would try to derive a sound conclusion by claiming such devices all of a sudden appeared in a finished form without any precursor(s) and go blank in the face when asked to produce even one of the many parts during which the trials and errors would have been left to be discovered during mankind's pursuit to become equal to or perhaps even greater than the "gods" which created him so very long ago.

Clinton Gallagher United States

2/12/2009 5:47:44 PM #

Hi Clinton, thanks for your comment. I just don't think it's true either that there's no evidence of precursors to the Antikythera mechanism, or that you would necessarily expect to find a full record of ancient technology at every stage of its development. On the first point, we know that Archimedes and others were working with wooden gear wheels to multiply forces - for example to enable a single person to lift a heavy weight. And we know that astronomers such as Hipparchus were working on exactly the same kind of astronomy as is seen in this device. So although the Antikythera mechanism undoubtedly represents a huge leap from what we knew the Greeks were doing, and it's really exciting to find it, I don't think it's so unthinkable that they could have been doing this that it's necessary to invoke the influence of aliens. On the second point, you have to remember that only a tiny tiny fraction of ancient Greek machines and artefacts survive today. Especially things made of precious materials such as bronze, as they were almost inevitably melted down and recycled - unless out of reach in a shipwreck! For example we know that there were hundreds of thousands if not millions of bronze statues standing across the ancient Greek world. Today, the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, which has one of the best collections of ancient Greek statues in the world, has just ten. Nine of those are from shipwrecks. So if you consider that the Antikythera mechanism and its precursors were probably luxury items, with perhaps only tens or hundreds ever made, it's amazing that we have found even one. There could easily have been a whole tradition of development of astronomical geared devices (and who knows, other technologies too) and we wouldn't necessarily know about it today. Cheers, Jo

JoM United Kingdom

4/18/2009 8:11:04 AM #

I also don't believe in aliens there has been many such evidence eventually all has been proven wrong

Copper Sinks United Kingdom

9/2/2009 4:04:00 PM #

Clinton, you are a goof ball. You can't say an artifact was introduced by aliens just because there were no precursors to it. For all the billions of years in Earth's history, don't you think it is possible that all the precursors were destroyed or disintegrated over time? Anyone who believes aliens brought technology to early man should really consider a career in the circus.

Resveratrol United States

9/2/2009 4:10:00 PM #

I don't know, I think it is possible for aliens to have visited the planet many years ago. This actually reminds me a bit about the movie Known with Nicholas Cage, in which the aliens basically monitored the Earth and exterminated it when we became too violent. Who is to say aliens didn't introduce monkeys to fire or the wheel?

Acai Nutraburst United States

9/2/2009 4:17:00 PM #

Nicholas Cage has done some great movies, don't you guys think? I thought Con Air was great and National Treasure is one of his most recent hits. Granted, he only has 3 characters: the hero, the victim, the normal guy.   Regarding aliens though, this discussion reminds me of the book The Taking by Dean Koontz. The premise is that aliens have come to take over the planet, they kill everyone except the kids and a few adults that are designated to round up the kids. At the end there is just a small population of 'good' adults from different industries and a whole lot of children, who must now repopulate the world. The 'aliens' actually ended up being 'Satan, Lucifer, the eater of souls' who had come to cleanse the Earth. Is it possible that aliens are watching us and will inevitably step in to preserve the world when we decide to nuke ourselves to death? hahaha... I highly doubt it.

Whiten Teeth United States

9/2/2009 4:23:00 PM #

At one point people thought aliens made Stonehenge too. Dude, it was just a bunch of people with levers and pulleys. I mean, the Greeks made the freakin Colosseum for crying out loud. I'm pretty sure aliens didn't bring early humans much of anything.

I Am Mclovin T Shirt United States

9/27/2009 9:30:00 AM #

Thought it seems thee are not many interested in the truth of history because they who win the wars write the history. While teaching in China a few times over the years, we have been in places who never had seen a white man. We were taken to a place called sun and moon MT. and there were the Xiao(small) ren(people) people very dark complexion and big eyes. When they touch you they can show you things there is no way to know. We call them the little people. Many still live in caves. One of the gifts given to us is a disc stone and a key. when 4 people touch it while on the key and hum or sing the whole room lights up. Who made it we don't know. Ding Shao Ping's son says it is a math tool of the stars. The people of china have calendar that predate the bible and Egypt. The tones in the song are the same as those we found in Cozco, Peru. many of the ancient peoples knew more than most of us today. The immigrant taking the citizen test knows more than the high school grad about our country and how our gov. works. I retired from teaching but still tinker. One of the device I used in china with sound caused 20 yaks to fall to the ground. It was not complicated. very simple. The two rods in the ground with a green crystal about 4 foot long could cause all the sand around to form a pit. know for sure the Chinese had paper and gunpowder long before anyone else. Aliens I don't think so matter of fact see Stroblefield's battery just like what I saw in Zhurjing mts.

Chuan Xihu United States